Did you know:

  • 71% B2B transaction start with Organic Search (Google/Bing)
  • 40% research process completed on mobile
  • 57% of decisions made before any human sales contact

websites landing page



    • According to Think with Google, most business buyers won’t contact any suppliers “until 57% of the purchase process is complete.”
    • 71% of B2B buyers Google spoke with use the internet on a daily basis for their business purchase decisions.
    • Over 40% of B2B buyers say they prefer to complete their entire purchase journey on mobile — from research to purchase.
    • As B2B demographic's shiftmore (internet savvy) Millennials are making B2B decisions.1
    • 90% of B2B researchers who are online use search, averaging 12 searches prior to engaging on a specific brand's site.2
    • 67% of purchases for multiple industrial manufacturing and pack-and-ship industries were influenced by digital (website, search).3
    • Of these, upto 71% start online research with a product search (for example, product x) or generic search - then follow up with a brand.
    • Regardless of category, the majority of shoppers who research online considered 2+ brands - so problem-solving content will drive longer engagement.4
    • 70% of B2B buyers and researchers are watching videos throughout their path to purchase. Nearly half of these researchers are viewing 30 minutes or more, and almost one in five watch over an hour of content.
    • B2B purchasers are almost 50% more likely to buy a product or service when they see personal value - such as a similar problem solving testimony. They are 8x more likely to pay a premium for comparable products and services when personal value is present.


Eight B2B Website Opportunities

Your website becomes your online sales representative, your means of personalising customer problem solving, your online NEW Trade Show. Don't miss an opportunity to engage with your visitors. Here's 8 Tips to implement today:


Tip 1 Websites need to be optimised for small screens

50% of B2B search queries today are made on smartphones so websites need to be mobile and tablet friendly.5

website screen size


Tip 2 Ensure your website is optimised for organic search

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of increasing your website position and page rank organically through effective keywords and quality backlinks. SEO is the most effective way to search increase traffic to your website




Tip 3 Control your brand reputation

A B2B website allows you to control your brand reputation in a positive way through testimonies, online-chat, follow-up.



Tip 4 Improve customer conversion pathway's

Website measure B2B online behaviour - bounce rate, page views, entry page - delivering opportunity for integrating other channels to improve outcomes along the customer conversion pathway.

customer conversion pathway


Tip 5 Implement a SEM strategy

Including a Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Google AdWords strategy lifts B2B engagement at both a product and brand level.

Add a remarketing campaign to your SEM strategy to help drive leads back to your website.

  Google AdWords logo


Tip 6 Ask for the sale

Mutliple Call-To-Actions on every page can capture visitors when they are ready to engage.

call to action


Tip 7 Focus messaging on a single proposition

Create and customise each landing pages for every unique product/service, marketing campaign and every offer you create.

customise landing page


Tip 8 Respond to visitors actions

Pop-up forms triggered by certain actions or time spent on a page (Once captured can be integrated into CRM and automated email strategy).





1 (Google/Millward Brown Digital, B2B Path to Purchase Study, 2014)
sources 1
2 Average Searches Conducted Prior to Engagement
sources 2
3 Boston Consulting Group/Google, U.S
4 By category
sources 4

5 (Google Internal Data, March 2017) BCG expects that figure to grow to 70% by 2020.2

Ensure your B2B 'silent salesman' website is working effectively

Digital Direct86x86

MindWorks web-design and web-developer capabilities focus on creating intuitive websites that make the UX seamless. We build websites that are responsive from all devices ie mobile, ipads and tablets. We are expert in a range of Content Management Systems (CMS) from WordPress to Joomla and Magento, Woocommerce to Shopify (ecommerce) while ensuring integration with Customer Relationship Management platforms including Oracle (Eloqua) and Salesforce (Pardot) and Email Service Providers inclusing Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, Vision6, Traction.


The MindWorks difference

MindWorks Data. Digital. Direct. Social experience has proven that only ‘best practice’ Direct Marketing – the merging of Intelligent Data insights with Relevant and Engaging creative, a mapped multi-touchpoint Customer Conversion Pathway across mobile, web, social, mail, search, phone and traditional media - that follows a Measurable implementation strategy can equip marketing teams to build loyal relationships with their customers and a sustainable lift in results …


Direct marketing specialists

Contact MindWorks today and lift your Direct Marketing results.
Call 1300 614 107 or Email: camerons@mindworksmc.com.au